What To Expect From a Reading
What is a mediumship reading?
Mediumship is a three-way connection with you (the sitter), your loved ones, and the medium. You can think of it as three separate tuning forks that need to get “in sync” for the best connection possible! When these connections are strong and flowing, communication can come through in ways that may include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and claircognizance (clear knowing). Spirit provides evidence that you can verify, so that you know which loved one is coming in during the reading.
What happens when a connection is made?
Once I sense a spirit I will blend/link with them. There may be several present and I will ask for one at a time to step forward. I will say out loud whatever images, senses, feelings, or words that come through my expanded awareness. This evidence may include personality traits, physical descriptions, favorite memories, information about what is pertinent to the sitter’s current circumstances or daily routines; the possibilities are endless. The information that comes through will be for you to verify; I do not interpret the information.
What feedback should I give?
It is very important to get verbal feedback from you. If the information that comes through resonates with one of your loved ones, you could say, “yes, that is meaningful to me” or “yes, I understand that.” And if the information doesn’t ring a bell with you – it is good for you to say, “no, I can’t take that.” The pieces of evidence that come in will help you identify which departed loved one is present. It is like pieces to a puzzle – it’s not a straight line of communication like talking to someone on the phone. They have to use my consciousness and use images, symbols, words, feelings, etc. to let me know who it is and what message they may have.
It can sometimes be challenging being the sitter (your role) as you try to take bits and pieces of information about someone coming in, interpreting the meaning and figuring out who it is. Often it is after the reading when a piece of information may make more sense, or when you talk to another family member or friend who also knew your loved one. But the goal of every reading is for the sitter to know that their loved one(s) is here.
How should I prepare?
Don’t worry about what you need to do on your end; bringing an open mind and an open heart full of love will work wonders! You can set your intentions (to yourself) on who you wish to hear from, but it is up to spirit who comes through. I always let spirit lead the way. You may or may not hear from a particular loved one; however, please be open to who does come through, as spirit works very hard to make this communication happen.
If this is the first time you have considered scheduling a reading, it is normal to be a little nervous. But know that this process is one based on Love and Light; it is Love that allows this all to happen! I can also answer any questions about the process prior to the start of the reading.
Will guidance come through in a reading?
During a mediumship reading, the connection is made between you, your loved ones and the medium. Since this connection is made with your energy field, or aura, there may be guidance that is available from your guides. Our loved ones may or may not give advice, as they know we have our own journeys to follow.
If you have chosen the Guidance-Mediumship package, the intention is set for the reading to have components of both guidance and mediumship. Guidance can help to highlight possibilities and to affirm or provide information that may help you move forward or to provide greater understanding with the help of your soul. This guidance is not about making predictions, as we have free will in our lives.
Also keep in mind. . .
Please stay open and do not focus on one specific loved one or the “one thing” that you wish to hear. This may block the process and keep you from hearing/receiving evidence and/or messages that are coming through. Let the combined evidence and your sense of your loved one let you know they are there and not necessarily through a specific word or a particular piece of evidence that you may be wishing for.
You are an important part of the reading; your energy helps to raise the energy for this communication to happen. Your verbal validations help to build the power and connection of the link, but try not to fill in too much of the information or story. We always want spirit to lead the way.
Please refrain from asking specific questions during the initial portion of the reading; this can put me in “analytical/question” mode. During the reading, I am in an expanded state in order to best receive. Midway through the reading I may open it up to questions. However, keep in mind that our loved ones do not always offer advice; they know we are here to experience our own journeys.
If you do not hear from the loved one you wished to connect with, this is NOT an indication that they are not with you or do not wish to communicate with you. There are many factors that go into connecting with spirit. I trust that whoever comes through during a reading is perfect for that time.
Most importantly – relax, enjoy the experience and have fun! Joy and Love are what make all of this possible!